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Bronze Gettysburg Soldier Sculpture for Sale BOKK-30

YouFine believes everyone has an idea in mind to join the army. The Gettysburg soldier sculpture is one of the most vivid statues. If you need a military bronze sculpture, we could totally meet your needs.
Item No: BOKK-30
Material: Casting Bronze
Insurance: Cover All the Risk
Package: Strong Wooden Case
Superiority: Foundry Supplying Directly

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Bronze Gettysburg Soldier Sculpture Detail:

Every detail of this Gettysburg soldier sculpture is exquisite. Although the soldier is crouched, his upper body is very straight. The way you look at him, he’s so serious. What’s he looking at? Is he looking at the enemy across the way? Or is he looking at his beautiful hometown? Indeed, he holds the gun tightly in his hand, each knuckle lifelike. The creases in the uniform of this sculpture are very hard and the boots are very strong.

bronze soldier statues

Why Choose You Fine?

First of all, we have the best clay model. They have been studying sculpture with their top masters in their hometown since childhood. In fact, he only did one thing in his life. He is the most powerful artist in Gettysburg soldier sculpture.

bronze soldier for sale

Secondly, You Fine factory is 39 years of experience in the sculpture senior factory. You Fine principle is that quality comes first. Above all, You Fine sculptures are guaranteed to be of the highest quality.

Bronze Gettysburg Soldier Sculpture

You Fine Top-Masters:  

We have several artists who specialize in military sculpture, and they are very interested in Gettysburg soldier sculpture. Furthermore, there are a lot of people who are eager to join the army and serve their country. One of our famous artists took part in the Popular Liberation Army as a young man. He was honorably discharged after three years in the army. In his hometown of Quyang, he became a military sculptor, continuing his love of military life.

Life-size bronze military statues

Gettysburg Battle:

Looking at the battle, the general seemed to believe that his army was invincible. This belief is based on his previous combat experience. But this blind thinking produced bad results, leading to the destruction of the entire army and the death of most of its personnel. This makes us think, we have to constantly reflect, do not blindly optimistic about ourselves, to always maintain the attitude of learning progress.

bronze military statues for sale

Both the National Cemetery in Gettysburg and the Military Park in Gettysburg are now maintained by the National Park Service. And it’s one of America’s most revered historical landmarks.

Outdoor bronze military statues Outdoor bronze soldier statues

More Bronze Military Status:  

The You Fine factory is located in the historic home of sculpture in Quyang. There are many military sculptures in our factory. For example, You Fine factory has bronze army sculpture, bronze cavalry sculpture, bronze navy sculpture, bronze battlefield cross sculpture. Undoubtedly, YouFine artists have a deep understanding of Gettysburg soldier sculptures and could customize a variety of military sculptures. YouFine artists could be very true to the appearance of sculpture and expression.

The bronze soldier statue cost

If you want this Gettysburg soldier sculpture, we could further communicate with you, you could contact us at any time.


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