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Large Outdoor Bronze Fountain Luxurious Garden Decor for Sale BOKK-931

This bronze fountain is an impressive art sculpture that involves several beautiful figure statues, and well-designed decorations. It is cast by a group of professional casting masters and is a high-quality sculpture. Please contact us if you like the design of it.
Item No: BOKK-931
Material: Metal bronze
Technique: Lost Wax Process
Service: Customize Acceptably
Insurance: Cover all the risk

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Bronze Fountain Details:

There are several beautiful bronze lady statues, three fish statues, and many lion head statues on this bronze fountain. The decoration of this fountain is extremely luxurious and must be a symbol of good taste. Some of those beautiful lady statues are standing and some of them are holding the top of the fountain. Lovely fish statues are set on the top of the fountain and water squirting from their mouth. Several lion head statues decorate around the fountain and squirt water. Such a complex and luxurious design makes the fountain a rare artwork and no one would like to miss it.


Large Bronze Fountain,


Why Place a Fountain:

This bronze fountain must be an important decoration for private gardens. First of all, the exquisite and vivid carving details are impressive and every part of this fountain is a rare artwork. Secondly, applying a fountain in a private garden could increase the humidity of the air and refresh the air. Besides the water, the spray from the fountain can nourish the surrounding plants and reduce the temperature of the garden. That must be a fantastic experience to stay in the garden with this beautiful fountain in a hot summer.


bronze fountain statue,


Professional Masters to model:

The manufacture of this luxury bronze fountain has experienced several procedures and each step would be finished by a group of professional masters. There are professional modeling masters who take charge of the manufacture of 1:1 clay models. And different modeling masters are good at different types of model manufacture. The body of the fountain, animal statues, and figure statues are modeled by different modeling experts. All of them treat every detail carefully and try their best to create perfect sculptures.


antique bronze fountain,


More Fountain Sculptures:

The YouFine factory is an experienced sculpture manufacturer and provides various sculpture designs to customers from all over the world. There are a lot of well-designed fountains with different materials that could be found on YouFine’s website. No matter what kind of fountain you want, a satisfying result could be found in the YouFine factory. Besides, individually customized service is available and the YouFine welcomes any talented idea from customers. Professional supports would be provided to customers as soon as possible.


bronze fountain for sale


If you need a bronze fountain to decorate your private garden, the YouFine factory must be a good choice. Please contact us without any hesitation.



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